UPNEEQ® is the first eye drop that lifts the upper eyelid, while whitening and brightening your eyes for a more beautiful and youthful look, in just minutes.
In the past, lifting the eyelids required a blepharoplasty (eyelid lift). The FDA has approved UPNEEQ®, the first prescription eye drop to treat acquired blepharoptosis. Blepharoptosis is the medical term for drooping eyelids and acquired means you developed it over time. UPNEEQ® gives you a subtle lift that can make a noticeable difference.
Upper eyelids droop due to factors such as aging, genetics, and health. UPNEEQ® works by triggering muscles that contract to raise the eyelid. This has the effect of lifting the upper eyelids about 1 mm. This is less than you would achieve with surgical correction but requires no scarring, recovery time, or discomfort. UPNEEQ® can also improve your vision by lifting drooping eyelids that could have blocked your view.
For most people, UPNEEQ® will start working within five minutes to two hours.
After you apply UPNEEQ®, you can expect it to last about six to eight hours. We recommend applying it to last during the part of the day when you most want to look alert and bright-eyed.
If you have sagging upper eyelids and want a natural-looking solution, you may be a good candidate for UPNEEQ®. This prescription medication treats all types of acquired blepharoptosis.
UPNEEQ® is an artificial tear that uses no preservatives. It is very safe and almost anyone can use it. After applying the drops, you should wait a minute or two for your vision to clear before driving or similar activities. Most people will have clear vision within a few minutes of the application. You should not have any discomfort or downtime after using UPNEEQ®. About 1% of people may experience redness or blurred vision.
UPNEEQ® comes in single-use vials to minimize the risk of contamination. Ensure the vial tip does not touch your eyes or surfaces to avoid contaminating the drops. Contact lens wearers will need to wait 15 minutes before putting in their contacts.
Nasal sprays may also contain oxymetazoline, but in concentrations not safe for use in the eyes. Using a nasal spray will not give you the lifted, bright-eyed look that UPNEEQ® can achieve, and you could cause harm to your eyes.
Now Serving Oakland County
FACE Skincare Medical Wellness is located in Bingham Farms, MI, and serves patients in Bloomfield Hills, Farmington Hills, Birmingham, Franklin, Northville and throughout the Detroit metro.
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