Having smooth, soft, well-hydrated skin is certainly everyone’s dream, but unfortunately, environmental factors and lifestyle choices can seriously undermine the texture of the skin.
Changes in skin texture also occur naturally with age, because the skin loses elastin and collagen over time and becomes thinner and more fragile. These changes also give the skin a dull appearance and often results in uneven skin tone, enlarged pores, wrinkles, and fine lines.
Here at FACE Skincare Medical Wellness in Michigan, we offer a wide array of treatments that can improve uneven skin tone, boost skin texture, and completely transform the skin.
Laser Skin Treatments: Laser treatments are very effective for correcting persistent issues affecting skin tone and texture. Laser treatments resurface the skin and also stimulate collagen in the deeper dermal layer. The new collagen strengthens the underlying structure, smooths out uneven skin texture, and evens out skin tone.
Alma-hybrid: The Alma Hybrid is the latest skin rejuvenation technology, and the most advanced resurfacing laser in the world. Hybrid is 50% more powerful than traditional CO2 models, while being a 50% faster treatment.
HydraFacial®: HydraFacial® is a hydra-dermabrasion treatment that uses patented technology to exfoliate, extract, and hydrate. HydraFacial® improves skin tone and texture because it extracts impurities that can clog pores and cause surface irregularities. It also provides deep hydration to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
BioRevitalization peel: The BioRevitalization Peel is unique in that it is technically NOT a peel, rather is a COLLAGEN BIOSTIMULANT that renews the skin like a peel, but WITHOUT the downtime, trauma, risks, and limitations of a traditional deeper peel. It promises to be among its more popular offerings, thanks to its ability to treat complexion issues without exfoliating or “peeling” the top dermal layer of the skin.
Facials & Peels: Facials and peels resurface the skin and give it a smoother, more youthful appearance. Uneven texture is often the result of a build-up of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. Facials and peels exfoliate the skin, so they restore a smooth texture and address uneven skin tone.
Lamprobe: Lamprobe is a non-invasive procedure that uses radio and high-frequency technology to treat minor skin irregularities. Lamprobe treats conditions such as skin tags, cherry angiomas, clogged pores, and broken capillaries. Removing these imperfections leaves you with smoother, clearer skin.
Depending on the type of laser technology used there may be little to no recovery time after treatment. Downtime is normal after peels as there may be some flaking and peeling of the skin for a few days. However, no downtime is required after HydraFacial®.
Now Serving Oakland County
FACE Skincare Medical Wellness is located in Bingham Farms, MI, and serves patients in Bloomfield Hills, Farmington Hills, Birmingham, Franklin, Northville and throughout the Detroit metro.
Monday, Friday, Saturday: 9am – 5pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9am – 7pm
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