Types of Plasma
Your Plasma.
First is the plasma that comes from your blood. Plasma is the liquid that holds the blood cells, often referred to as liquid gold. When injected or micro‑needled into the skin, it helps to stimulate collagen, accelerate healing, and even stimulates hair growth! These treatments are called PRP (platelet‑rich plasma) or PRFM (platelet‑rich fibrin matrix), and we have a separate guide that talks all about them!
Device‑based Plasma.
The second type of plasma comes from a device, which is real plasma. Two top devices from around the globe are noteworthy‑ Jett plasma and Neogen. They do more than any laser in existence by resurfacing, rebuilding all the tissue, and getting elasticity all in one.
Jett Plasma Lift
Jett Plasma Lift is an innovative plasma energy treatment for skin tightening, collagen production, wrinkle reduction, and the best part is you can see the effects almost immediately! It’s the only direct‑current medical plasma device so it’s REAL plasma and is able to pass through cell membranes. Plasma energy generates heat, warming the skin and producing a wide range of desired effects. Jett Plasma uses different tips for different results and can be safely used all over, including eyelids! Be very weary of other pen based plasma devices on the market that cause unwanted trauma to the skin, and aren’t true plasma.
- Improves wrinkles, pigmentation and skin elasticity
- Instant contraction of skin fibers, which improve the first 2‑3 weeks and continue for 3 months.
- 5‑7 days of slight peeling post procedure
- Treatment takes from 20 minutes to 1 hour and results can last a few years!
NeoGen™ PSR Plasma
NeoGen™ PSR uses plasma to treat the WHOLE architecture of the skin, to dramatically help fine lines, wrinkles, elasticity, pigmentation, scarring, and more, all in one treatment, leading to a near‑flawless skin.
Plasma is produced inside the handpiece through the combination of nitrogen gas and ultra‑high radiofrequency to treat the whole architecture of the skin. The plasma penetrates the superficial and deeper levels of the dermis to replace damaged collagen and encourage new collagen and elastin growth. Unlike other ablative treatments, NeoGen turns nitrogen gas into plasma energy to quickly heat the tissue and transfer the unique thermal energy to tissue. There are no open wounds, like with a laser, because it uses your skin as a natural barrier and creates skin that’s healthier.
- Great for people with light to medium skin tones
- Treating beforehand with a hydrating facial can yield better results as plasma needs hydrated skin!
- Can treat the face, neck, chest, hands, Cesarean scars, acne scars as well as many other areas
- Immediate tightening with minimal discomfort and 5‑12 days of social downtime while you peel
- Promotes ongoing improvements in collagen regeneration continuing for over a year after treatment